
What is believer’s baptism?

Although we respect people’s experience of “christening”, as a Baptist church we don’t baptise babies. We have a dedication service for babies. There are prayers of thanksgiving and blessing for the child and the parents promise, with the help of the church, to teach their children about the Christian faith.


We believe the Bible teaches that baptism is for those who have made a conscious decision to follow Jesus. Part of Jesus’ final command to His followers was to baptise those who believed in Him.


It involves a believer being totally immersed in water as a means of declaring their faith in Christ. It’s an outward expression of an inward decision to follow Christ for the rest of your life.

Upon confession of your faith in Christ as your Lord and Saviour, you are lowered into the water until you are completely submerged. It’s sometimes called baptism by immersion for this reason.

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